Advocacy & Other Work

In addition to my teaching role, I support disabled and neurodiverse students through workshops, ad-hoc consultancy, and as a member of several committees.


So You Want to go to College: Smoothing the transition from K-12 to college for the disabled student

- Presented for San Mateo County Office of Education Transition Resource Fair 2024

Directed to students, parents, and other stakeholders, this interactive workshop helped answer questions and build expectations about the challenges and opportunities the disabled student faces as they enter a college environment. Focusing on accommodations, differences, services and different college options, we discussed enrollment and acceptance as well as how to develop independence.

Inclusive Design for All:  Using neurodiversity best practices to make everybody's life easier

- Presented for District Opening Day 2023

An inclusive mindset doesn't just help the disabled or disenfranchised. By following concepts of universal design, equity, mentorship, and accessibility, we are able to improve outcomes and engagement for all students and even colleagues. Taught through a lens of neurodiversity inclusiveness, this brief workshop aims to show how simple changes to our philosophies, practices, and communication can break down invisible barriers we didn't even know we had.

Mentor Mindset Initiative - Learn about belonging, growth, mindset and purpose interventions in the classroom or in your service area

- Served on a panel for District Opening Day 2023

Twenty-two faculty, staff, and administrators from Foothill have completed a nine-week fellowship on how to increase a sense of belonging, use growth mindset strategies, and unveil purpose through transparency in their classrooms or service areas. They will share their research-based interventions and how they will be implemented in their areas of work this fall quarter.

ETI Updates:  From virtual reality to emerging technologies

- Served on a panel for District Opening Day 2023

The evolution from the Foothill College VR User Group to the Emerging Technologies Institute (ETI). Focus will be updates on the below technologies:

1. Virtual Reality (VR): Update on activities since our last presentation during last year's Foothill Opening Day.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Future of Business and AI, Ethics and AI, Possible Self thru AI, ChatGPT

3. Cymatics: The integration of Music, Psychology, Math, and Physics

Equity in the CORs

- Led a workshop for Foothill Flex Day 2023

Have you been hearing talk about adding equity to the COR but not known how that might look in practice? Does the proposition of changing our CORs make your head spin? We have five years to ensure that every course outline is rewritten with an equity mindset. In this workshop we will begin the conversation about how (and why!) to do so to lay a framework for intentional and substantial COR updates. 

Supporting the Neurodiverse Student in the Classroom

- Presented for District Opening Day 2022

This workshop provides an overview of neurodiverse populations (focused on Autism Spectrum and ADHD) and strategies for ensuring their success in your classroom, as well as a non-judgmental safe space to ask frank questions about disabled and neurodiverse student populations. 

Committees, Fellowships & Advisory Roles

Foothill College Academic Senate

2023 - Present

I serve as the Curricular Vice President, which also makes me faculty co-chair of the Foothill College Curriculum Committee. In this role, I lead the Committee in the review, development, and approval of curriculum proposals, ensuring they meet academic standards and regulatory requirements. I am additionally responsible for facilitating collaboration among faculty, administration, and relevant stakeholders to align the curriculum with institutional goals, educational trends, and accreditation standards, while also addressing the needs and aspirations of students. 

2021 - 2023

As chair of the Disability Resource Center/Veterans Resource Center Curriculum Committee, I also served as a voting member of the Foothill College Curriculum Committee.

Committees & Fellowships

Fellow, Mentor Mindset Initiative

This fellowship encouraged faculty and staff to engage with the concept of mentorship as an alternative to traditional teacher-student dynamics. By focusing on encouraging a sense of belonging, mindset, and purpose, instructors can more effectively support their students and help their students achieve positive results.

Mentor, Preparing Future Professors

In this program, Stanford students and postdocs are paired with professors whom they shadow weekly. This mentorship has students observing classroom and other on-campus duties experienced by a college professor. PFP broadens graduate students' perspectives on higher education and helps them compete for, and successfully teach in, faculty jobs at undergraduate-focused institutions.

Advisory Roles

Magical Bridge Foundation

Magical Bridge Playground is the nation’s most innovative and inclusive playground for visitors of all ages and all abilities. This proposal is to bring a Magical Bridge Playground to our campus through a partnership between Foothill College and Magical Bridge Foundation. It is an opportunity for Foothill to provide an all-inclusive setting for the entire community it serves, including students and members of neighboring communities at large. I provide guidance and support to keep Foothill disability curriculum and student needs in the forefront as this park is developed.

Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities

Foothill College engaged the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities at the University of Colorado to assist with ensuring accessibility. Specifically they provided assistance with our website design and marketing, updates to our online learning platform, professional development workshops for faculty and staff, assistance with virtual reality projects, and support with reactivating our horticulture therapy department. I served as an advisor for this discussion to make sure neurodiverse voices were heard.

Emerging Technology Institute

As the first institution to offer totally online credit classes since 1995, Foothill College established the Emerging Technologies Institute (ETI) in the Summer of 2022 for interested faculty and staff to address how rapidly changing technology advancements can impact  education and enhance more immersive student learning experiences. I advise on topics of disability access and inclusion as we explore how emerging technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence can lend added value to teaching and learning.

Other Fun Stuff

Neurodivergent Education Support Training (NEST)

As part of my doctoral program, I created NEST for stakeholders in the education of neurodivergent young adults. This resource has proved valuable for many people whose lives intersect with neurodivergent college students, with a goal of normalizing neurodiversity.

Affordable Housing Task Force

This task force has been charged with researching, developing, and promoting a proposal for the utilization of the funds made available to Foothill-De Anza Community College District for purposes of building affordable student and staff housing.

Hiring Committees & Faculty Prioritization